We would like to inform you we are in the position to open bank accounts for any individual or company at a safe Digital Bank. Digital banks are more flexible, faster and cheaper like the flat banks. We all know the future is the Digital banks. If you have a company without a bank account, […]
Aki dolgozott már offshore céggel vagy más külföldi céggel az tudja, hogy mennyire fontos egy jó és megbízható bankszámla. Ez bizony nagyon fontos, de a bankszámlanyitás egyre nehezebb. Szerencsére mindig mindenre van megoldás. Manapság egyre elterjedtebbek a digitális bankok, akik ugyanúgy szabályozva vannak mint a hagyományos bankok. Azonban sokkal költséghatékonyabbak és gyorsabbak, valamint[…..]
We have ready-made licensed companies for working with cryptocurrencies. This helps you for a quick start on your business. We offer this service in 3 countries. In the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Georgia. In the Czech Republic, the income tax is 19%. In Lithuania, the income tax is 15% In Georgia, the income tax[…..]
ANONYM BANK CARD WITH HIGH LIMIT If you do not need a company just need an anonym bank card with high limit, we can do it for you. Our bank card is a VISA card with a monthly limit of EUR300,000. It means you will be able to withdraw this amount every month. The time[…..]